Sunday, November 17, 2013

Almost lost

The Lewis family is losing it today. I'm blaming the humidity and 85 degree November day for this one. It doesn't explain the epic tantrums that have become our daily norm, BUT's totally the weather.

And I feel lost and deflated when we lose it as a family. Whether at each other or with each other or alone, I just don't know what to do.

The boy just melted today. And I had no power to change the furrowed brow or the crocodile tears or the mixture of snot that they created. I tried grabbing and holding on for dear life....and that didn't work. It just made him angrier. I tried joking....and that didn't work.

As i walked to my room to pick up the laundry basket, I prayed that I wouldn't lose him. It's too soon to have these struggles. So, I made him help me with laundry. I threw towels at him. Then socks. Then the same socks. Then the same socks. Then the same socks. And FINaLLy he cracked. And smiled. And we played catch with socks for a few minutes. And he hugged me and was passed whatever the heck it was that shut him down for an hour this afternoon.

And my new mantra, "Do you need help or do you need a spanking?" Directed at my mini-me...doesn't work. And I don't mean to brag, but as I was typing this she ripped the shower curtain and bent the curtain rod because she's mad that I had the audacity to make her shower..

Take heart beautiful mothers and sisters and friends... There will be joy again...

Joyfully full of it...seriously, full of it today!


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