We have three Forks at our house.
We have three days left at our house.
So many things are happening in such a short amount of time. I'm very excited about where are going and overwhelmed with blessings and joy for where we have been.
God has been so faithful to my family during this transition. But it is so easy to forget to focus on other things to get overwhelmed in the little things.
So today as I drive out to the new house with yet another load, I'm reminded that he promises to stay with me. He promises to prepare a way for us. He promises that he will always be with me.
I have this prism hanging from my rearview mirror. It is left over from my ceiling fan in my bedroom when I was growing up. Somehow this piece of glass has made it through all these years.
In the morning it's shoots rainbows across my car. In the afternoon it shoots rainbows in my eyes.
This morning I caught a rainbow in my hand in the palm of my hand. I am reminded that he holds me in the palm of his hand. I'm looking today at these rainbows as promises from him.
No matter the storm you face, hold tight to his promises.
Joyfully full of it,